San Diego Experience: Pilot 4th edition

This project was the start of it all. This is the 4th and probably the final iteration of this San Diego pilot, but who knows? The pilot itself sits unfinished, but here are some great clips from the show we produced a few months ago. On February 11, 2006 we launched Sunny’s 3rd edition of the San Diego pilot and our first on the local Fox affiliate. You will probably never see the first pilot we produced for several reasons, but I can assure you the most current addition is the best produced since this idea began.

NAS a Brief History: Mark Bealo met Sunny Gault and she asked him for some production help. Mark supplied a DVX 100a and a group of eager students to help with the production. At that time Sunny had already recruited the help of two producers Luis Ruiz-Dana and Dave Scott, the latter eventually joined NAS Productions. Cody Long, a compositing student of Mark’s, came on in late 2005 to help shoot the pilot. I was a lab-tech at Palomar College studying animation and art. Mark asked me to join the team to add motion graphics to the show.

After the pilot was finished and launched we agreed to stick around and work on a few other projects together. The talented Kevin Calumpit joined a few months after the pilot was complete and the crown jewel of this operation, Meghan Christofferson, didn’t join our team until two years later. If you want to know more ask us sometime…

by Josh Allard